Weekly Worship ServiceOur worship service is livestreamed, recorded and posted to our YouTube channel weekly. Follow this link if the video link button doesn't work:
youtube.com/@gracewoodhousechurch/streams Announcements are updated on Fridays and will change every 5 secondsService Bulletins and Announcements by emailAre you interested in receiving our Service Bulletins or Announcements by email? Simply subscribe by filling out this form and you will automatically be added to our weekly email distribution list.
We send an email Friday and reminder with weblink on Sunday morning. Pastoral Charge NewsletterSign up for the weekly email newsletter and livestream reminder for Grace and Woodhouse United Churches Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Land acknowledgementWe acknowledge our Creator and the world around us and our place within it. We acknowledge the many nations who call this land home. We acknowledge the Indigenous and non-Indigenous brothers and sisters who walked this land in the past and those who walk it today, this, the traditional and treaty lands of the Anishinaabeg (Ahnish-in-nah-beg), Neutral, and Haudenosaunee (Ho-deh-no-show-nee) peoples. "We are all Treaty People." Check out the Social Justice page on our Website. Find stories about social justice issues and how the United Church is supporting Residential Schools, Human Rights, Women's Rights and other social justice issues.
Services Available Online
Office contact 519-583-0342, [email protected]

Our Mission Statement
Grace United Church is a welcoming family of Christian faith, committed to living, learning, growing and sharing God's love; acting with acceptance, caring and joy, in our community and the world.
Grace United Church is a welcoming family of Christian faith, committed to living, learning, growing and sharing God's love; acting with acceptance, caring and joy, in our community and the world.