Christian Education
Our committee consists of Cheryl Dekoning, Linda Brzozowski, Launa Groulx, Judy Whitmore & Pat Tinney as Sunday School teachers. We have had lessons prepared three Sundays of each month with a schedule so parents, grandparents know which Sundays we are on. In February we had a pancake supper, helped by many church members. This raises money to help send children to camp. A Service was held at Ryerson Beach Camp in May instead of the counselors coming to us in June. Ryerson Beach Camp celebrated their
90th anniversary in June of which some of us attended. We sold cookies at the fall affair. On December 14th we put on a pageant for the congregation. We had children & adults helping. We had a white gift collection/offering & many items were presented as well raising almost $100.00.
Our committee consists of Cheryl Dekoning, Linda Brzozowski, Launa Groulx, Judy Whitmore & Pat Tinney as Sunday School teachers. We have had lessons prepared three Sundays of each month with a schedule so parents, grandparents know which Sundays we are on. In February we had a pancake supper, helped by many church members. This raises money to help send children to camp. A Service was held at Ryerson Beach Camp in May instead of the counselors coming to us in June. Ryerson Beach Camp celebrated their
90th anniversary in June of which some of us attended. We sold cookies at the fall affair. On December 14th we put on a pageant for the congregation. We had children & adults helping. We had a white gift collection/offering & many items were presented as well raising almost $100.00.